vineri, 2 septembrie 2011

I love to

i love to play with animals special my dog!                                                                                                     And then i love to walk with my byke and rolershoes !

About me

Hey i m Flory from Romania ,i m 19 years old i like to make meny friend ,i m a kinda,sweetand crazy girl i know that and if you told me that i dont mind .I have a perfect life even though I do not always realize it. We are quite a few friends but at least I know I can count on them. Ioriginal even if you think I'm the one you copy. People try to change me. But you know what?. You will not succeed I'm never as it is and I can not change because I like that are what they are  .Everying thing is ok at the end, if its not ok, its not the end.

I am strong because I am strong . I am beautiful because I know my flaws. I am a lover because I am a fighter. I am fearless because I have been afraid. I am wise because I have been foolish & I can laugh because i've known sadness.

use your smile to change the world; dont let the world change your smile   by Flory

The blood

The blood wards are failing.The Shadow beckans and cry disarms my actions .Always there were vampires, they become stronger faster .... But human's have the sun their side......but was not enough ...  
Rain is the word of recognition among those tempted by a certain suspension of the world. To say you like the rain is to recognize that you are different ... I like smell of the rain i dont know why but when i stay in rain i m another girl .....and one more thing I love to walk in the rain cause nobody know that I'm crying

Massacre at Nightfall

Baths sun and the moon rises. Moon  smiles morbid as misanthropic by ghostly white clouds.And when the wind blows oppressive horror as a curse among the trees that cast shadows at night evil demon that as the prey animals like panda expect attracted to the smell of fresh meat.Earth crack, gate open hands and chains made ​​of pitch black and burnt with fire infernal eternal torment they surface possessing   for corrupting the soul and bodily chain.When the inner demons inside screaming for freedom, falling into delirium calls you, seduce you like a virgin dressed in white with pale skin and a body with her ​​hands smeared with blood delicate fine and the seduced.Out of shadow "them ".... Do not know exactly who are "they" know for sure ... but one thing. There are friendly, and energy around them sees a dark and evil as that you can freeze the blood in your veins and you feel fear as a parasite off the inside and the world beyond, increasing life sucking and releasing fear as a powerful poison. Ace and "them" some people tall, dressed in black who refuse to show their faces wearing only a black eye mask with white and a red smile full of hatred and contempt. When they take off the mask ... is face your darkest fears. The smell of the body that you feel around them dizzy you fell fainting mind slowly ceasing to listen to you.You wake up ..... some powerful rumble school you sleep. Do not see anything around, touched, feeling cold and wet wood. Your cry of despair is no longer heard only in the lower caves of the dark land that opens its gates in silver obsolete since, capturing another fresh soul. King Oak closed cell .... earth and locked prison doors for you. From here .... Just DARK              

Dead Helpness

 I walk slowly among the graves smoke  my last thought. It's evening, but I'm afraid. You, dead helpless    you can  that makes me evil.  . Walk, then stop near a grave that read: "Forever in our memories." Began to cry. I wonder what means  that a memory ... Raise you, you dead helpless and weep with me once. No! You are not able than your old rotten coffins there. I deleted the sleeve tears, and my makeup covers the whole face. I do not stop walking. Stop thou asshole as I throw wind hairs    in all parts! I will not do I'll be back. You put my eyes on that grave I know so well. I walk, extending his hand, and my tears flow again. Fuckin to be! Get there. Lightly touch the cross and collapse. My knees bleed and crack pants, leaving streams of blood out shy of my skin hurt. You! The here! Who sleep and do not know that hurts. I hear it? Gnashing and crying silently. Then a chill freezes my flesh and begin to jeluiesc. I hear good minutes than I and my other reply to me in the distance. I refrain from cry  pathetic and I look up. S made ​night  now. No, I'm afraid for you, dead helpless n you what to do me. I am afraid only of me that I could bother you. I feel I am an intruder here. I'm alive, I breathe, I feel pain, instead what I ... you are instead what I ... you are just some bodies.  It's cold, my knees tremble and I burn red. I stay on a stone near the grave unknown. Stared at and feel that they have raised. Slanting eyes, fantasies surrounding me. I curl up on the stone and close the zipper on my jacket. I'm cold, but I'm afraid. I hear distant whispers and I know I Embark on an end to the gate waiting for me worried. When tracing out of the cemetery the night the wind turned away, and I stop. I look at the full moon watch  me, then close my eyes. I raise my arms to the sky and shout, lift you, you dead helpless and weep! . Silence follows for the three seconds I almost deaf, then it is unleashed. I hear only cries and wailing of the cemetery, and the wind drove to the right. Do not open my eyes just smile and say, so you dead helpless, CRY because I Miss .....

vineri, 21 ianuarie 2011


Noaptea-n Doma întristata, prin lumini îngalbenite
A facliilor de ceara care ard lânga altare
Pe când bolta-n fundul Domei sta întunecoasa, mare,
Nepatrunsa de-ochii rosii de pe mucuri ostenite,

In biserica pustie, lânga arcul în parete,
Genuncheata sta pe trepte o copila ca un înger;
Pe-a altarului icoana, în de raze rosii frângeri,
Palida si mohorâta Maica Domnului se vede.

O faclie e înfipta într-un stâlp de piatra sura;
Lucii picaturi de smoala la pamânt cad sfârâind
Si cununi de flori uscate fâsâiesc amirosind
S-a copilei rugaciune tainic, soptit, murmura.

Cufundat în întuneric, lânga-o cruce marmurita,
Intr-o umbra neagra, deasa, ca un demon El vegheaza,
Coatele pe bratul crucii le destinde si le-asaza,
Ochii cufundati în capu-i, fruntea trista si-ncretita.

Si barbia lui s-apasa de al pietrei umar rece,
Parul sau negru ca noaptea peste-al marmurei brat alb;
Abia candela cea trista cu reflectul ei roz-alb
Blând o raza mai arunca ce peste-a lui fata trece.

Ea un înger ce se roaga , El un demon ce viseaza;
Ea o inima de aur,  El un suflet apostat;
El, în umbra lui fatala, sta-ndaratnic rezemat
La picioarele Madonei, trista, sfânta, Ea vegheaza.

Pe un mur înalt si rece de o marmura curata,
Alba ca zapada iernei, lucie ca apa lina,
Se rasfrânge ca-n oglinda a copilei umbra plina
Umbra ei, ce ca si dânsa sta în ruga-ngenucheata.

Ce-ti lipseste oare tie, blond copil cu-a ta marire,
Cu de marmur-alba fata si cu mâinile de ceara?
Vad  o negura diafana mestecata-n stele;  clara
E privirea-ti inocenta sub a genelor umbrire;

Ce-ti lipseste sa fii înger  aripi lungi si constelate.
Dar ce vad: Pe-a umbrei tale umeri vii ce se întinde?
Doua umbre de aripe ce se misca tremurânde,
Doua aripe de umbra catre ceruri ridicate.

O, nu-i umbra ei aceea  este îngeru-i de paza;
Lânga marmura cea alba vad fiinta-i aeriana.
Peste viata-i inocenta, viata lui cea sfânta plana,
Lânga dânsa el se roaga, lânga ea îngenuncheaza.

Dar de-i umbra ei aceea  atunci Ea un înger este,
Insa aripile-i albe lumea-a le vedea nu poate;
Muri sfintiti de-a omenirii rugaciuni îndelungate
Vad aripele-i diafane si de dânsele dau veste.

Te iubesc!  era sa strige demonul în a lui noapte,
Dara umbra-naripata a lui buze le înmoaie;
Nu spre-amor,spre-nchinaciune el genunchii-si încovoaie
Si asculta dus din lume a ei dulci si timizi soapte     

Un cer intunecat si un infinit de stropi..

Pasiune sau indiferenta! Cuvintele, punctele de suspensie imbraca fiecare traire a mea.. Eternele cuvinte ce pot fie sa aline, fie sa raneasca!

Azi ploua in sufletul meu cu petale de mar..